Sang a
great song at church last Sunday. I knew it from somewhere, though we hadn't sung it as a flock before. Either it's an old forgotten favorite, or it's one of those songs whose lyrics ring with some truth that you can't help but
awaken that part of you that will spend all eternity in praise.
When I see the beauty of a sunset's glory,
amazing artistry across the evening sky,
When I feel the mystery of a distant galaxy,
It awes and humbles me to be loved
by a God so high.
When I hear the story of a God of mercy
Who shared humanity and suffered by our side,
Of the cross they nailed You to, that could not hold You
Now You're making all things new by the power
of Your risen life,
What can I do but thank You,
what can I do but give my life to You
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
What can I do but praise You,
everyday make everything I do a Hallelujah
A Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I love that song, too. I think it was written by Paul Baloche and Graham Kendrick for the A Greater Song album, and I have heard it several times on the radio. I was mad, because I was so allergy-ridden on Sunday, that I couldn't sing except in a dull monotone. :(
As long as the dull monotone was in your voice, if your heart was a vibrant concert, I'm sure the Lord was just fine.
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