
the true riches to you

"Wise Up About Money"
* Intro: Jesus spoke more often about money than about Heaven or Hell
* We live in culture of debt & love of money
* Money can destroy you
- Prov22:7; 15:6; 11:4
- Avg. American has $9K in credit card debt; 40% of American families spend more each year than they make
- Borrower is a slave to lender
* Money - Gain it honestly
- Prov13:11; 28:6; 19:22
- Not just avoiding lying on taxes or cheating boss, but living a life that puts God above money every time
- No gambling, lottery
* Money - esteem it accurately
- Prov18:11; 21:20; 23:4-5; 28:22
- Lord is strong tower, not wealth
- Save for future rather than spend it wastefully
- Don't work tirelessly for it
* 5 wrong views about money
- It will make you happy
- It will make you content ("Mr. Rockefeller, how much money is enough? Just a little more")
- It will make your family appreciate you
- It will make you feel better about yourself
- It will give you acceptance among peers
* Money - share it generously
- Prov11:25; 13:22; 22:9; 3:9-10; Mal3:10
- Generous to whom? Lord first, needy and family
- Your Money Counts

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