No one, but no one loves the Lord's Table more than me. More than preaching, more than tithing, more than serving, more than singing, more than any other action, Communion to me is more than any other religious action an opportunity for you to find intimacy with God. And I understand Paul's warning at the end of 1Cor11 as well as anybody.
All that to preface my still allowing my 5-yr-old son to participate in his first Communion a few weeks ago. Many prefer waiting till children are older and better able to understand the significance of the rite. Despite my great reverence for the Lord's Table, however, I also think it important to allow young ones to experience it as soon as possible -- not because I care little for their grasp of the rite's importance, but because like worship in song and prayer and reading the Word, it is important for young ones to participate in acts of faith sooner rather than later. [Note: I also found it a nice symbolism to have my son experience his first Communion at a Good Friday Communion.]
Stage set. Massive cross in the sanctuary. Lights down. Music set to quiet reflection rather than riotous praise.
I place the cup of juice and square of bread in his little hands. I pray for us and indicate for us to consume the bread. My son puts it into his mouth, chews, and then begins picking out pieces of it from his mouth with his hands as he states, "Tastes terrible."
I hold in a smile and pray again and indicate the time for us to consume the juice. Rather than down the whole thing at once, my son takes a sip, smiles, and utters a "Yum!" before finishing off the symbolic blood of Christ.
1 comment:
I enjoy throwing my cup on the ground when I am finished.
Bring back the wine option!
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