
careful how you walk

The wondrous one has been having a conversation with a friend in the flock about a very dangerous book that has been making the rounds in some believers' circles. This friend (whose role as a shepherd in the church is influential) sees so many great truths in the book, that she wants to share it with many. I've played the role of spoiler and cautioned the wondrous one not to read it, and this very night, sent a lengthy missive to the friend trying to lay out reasons why she shouldn't be assisting the book's popularity.

My arguments:
* Books that contain 8 great truths and 2 lies will convince many to believe in the 2 lies, especially if the 8 truths are so great. The Bible warns us that false teaching is persuasive, and often girds itself in some truths. It's the reason Osteen the false prophet can be so massively popular. We cannot help spread subversive teaching.
* Especially if you're a shepherd; you're held to a higher standard.
* There are far better, and more doctrinally pure books that can be recommended if you want to share truths. Want to share the truth about the wondrous nature of the love of God? John Piper has written a few good ones. Want to know about how God can heal the broken? See Lewis, CS and A Grief Observed. Go ahead and spread the truths -- just do so sans lies.

There's that children's song with the lyric "O be careful little eyes, what you see." I guess we should be singing that to ourselves as adults, too.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Christina and I just bought that book. I look forward to the read :)