
animals of the earth and the wild

I believe in prayer, I really do. I also believe that God the Father does pay attention to our every need, and that He is detail-oriented, so even the small things matter to Him. And I believe that He wants us to come to Him for everything. Finally, I believe that we not only have the privilege to pray for other people, but that we have an obligation to pray for our brothers and sisters.

That said, a prayer request came over our church's email chain the other day asking for prayer for a cat. That's right, a cat. I can't say I'm proud of this, but I did not lift up that prayer, sorry. I refused to pray for an animal, something I have been given dominion over, something I believe -- no matter how strong the attachment between family member and dirty animal -- is completely disposable. That's right. Rex? Who's like one of your family? Sorry, he's disposable like newspaper to me.

I may answer before the throne for that one. For refusing to pray for a believer's need. My defense will be, there's no animal heaven, so how important could they be?


Anonymous said...

You probably won't answer before the throne for not valuing animals over people, or for saving your prayer time for more serious matters, but you might answer for being insensitive to other believers, some of whom can be very tender toward God's creation, and thus, by their attitudes, honor Him. After all, does not Romans teach us that God is revealed through His creation, so that man may have no excuse?

Consider yourself gently rebuked, brother. :)

Wept_over said...

Rebuked, it is. I figured I'd be answering for something. That said, I won't lift false prayers my heart can't feel. A believer can have a sensitive attitude about their collection of acorns shaped like celebrities, and while I respect the believer, I can't lift bad prayers.