
that its deeds are evil

The clip below shows Marc Driscoll from Mars Hill critiquing the antichrist Osteen. At the 1:47 mark, Driscoll plays a clip with Osteen delivering his usual brand of vile drivel. You might want to skip ahead to the 5:17 mark so you don't have to throw up in your mouth. Mark is right about everything except in the beginning when he chooses to refrain from saying bad things about Osteen the person (rather than Osteen's message). Mark, it isn't a sin when you call a spade a spade and the devil the devil. Calling someone evil and vile and disgusting when it is truth is appropriate.


Kevin said...

knowing Driscoll and having him as my pastor 8 years ago and seeing how he is today, he may have been right in holding back. Maybe he would have sinned if he spoke freely, not because of speaking against olsteen but because of what he would have said in anger.

Driscoll used to speak his mind more...it was really cool but at the same time we were a smaller church then and he got in less trouble :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kevin. Most American readers will be distracted by the negative perception of 'harsh' treatment of a person, regardless of how appropriate the treatment is. Let God decide who gets the millstone around the neck; I know I can't be trusted when I cross over from attacking ideas to attacking a person.