
am who I am

"Who is Jesus?"
* Matt16:13-17: Doesn't matter what others say about who Christ is -- what do you say?
* Jesus: Fully God (Deity of Christ)
- Attributes (omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, etc)
- Works (gives eternal life, resurrection, forgives sin, will judge, etc)
- Names (Son of God, YHWH, King of Kings, etc)
- Scripture {Col2:9, Luke2:11}
- Jesus' claims {Mark14:61-64, John8:58-59, John10:30-33}
* Jesus Seminar evil and run by future denizens of a fiery lake (see also: THIS, THIS, and THIS )

*Jesus: Fully man (Humanity of Christ)
- Human birth {Matt1:18}
- Human body (grew physically, grew tired, was hungry, was thirsty, etc.)
- Characteristics (had a family, obeyed parents, loved His friends, worked as a carpenter, wept, etc.)
- 100% human except SANS SIN {2Cor5:21, Heb4:15}
* Why important for Jesus to be human?
- To be perfect representative of obedience {Rom5:19}
- To be perfect substitution/propitiation {Heb2:17}
- To be example in life {1John2:6}
* Jesus: Fully God & Fully Man (Hypostatic Union)
- Council of Chalcedon
- Phil2:5-8: Christ stripped of status not divinity
- Most amazing miracle: Almighty God becomes human for our sake

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