
and loses or forfeits himself

Been away for awhile. Thoughts have been jumbling around, and just haven't found the route from head to arm to fingers to keyboard to cyberspace.

Anyway, this story deserves to be read today. The better read might be the actual letter from the coach to the newspaper describing the actions. Either read is better than reading anything about ARod.

Your spiritual state is very similar to the events in the story. You see, even if we disagree with or don't understand why a particular rule exists, or disagree with the consequences of breaking said rule, once it is broken, the penalty must be paid. So many of us think we live good, moral lives -- disagreeing with the rules that govern eternity. We believe that we just might be good enough to gain the riches of Heaven. Unfortunately for us, our sense of justice, and our sense of right and wrong don't change the fact that once the rule has been broken, the penalty must be paid. And in the case of our sin against a holy God, the Bible says the wages of sin is death.

But like a pair of missed free throws, there are ways of satisfying debts that allow broken rules to reflect justice and honor and glory. And in your case, that came in the form of a Savior willing to bear your sin on His shoulders on a cross on a hill. And if you understand and accept that His actions paid for your debt, the Bible says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you shall be saved.

A better ending for your story awaits you. Will you take it this very day?

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