
woes are still coming after these

"Does God Leave Sin Unpunished?" {Hab2:6-20}
* Woe: Prediction of God's just judgment
* Woe#1: Against greed & pursuit of wealth
- Will lead to sudden reversal
* Woe#2: Against unjust gain
- Will result in strong regret
* Woe#3: Against violence & exploitation
- Will bring a shallow return
- v14 also Isa11:9
* Woe#4: Against drunkenness
- Will bring disgrace & retribution
* Woe#5: Against idolatry
- Will be profitless
* Hab2:20
- Temple = Heavenly throne
- After all woes, God still in control
- Will not leave sin unpunished
- God will prevail
* Application
- Repent
- Make good choices
- Believe

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