
think kindly of us, longing to

Every now and then the Lord reveals things to me in flashes. Today while walking back to the office amidst a sea of people, I felt this tugging in my heart full of sadness. I felt this enormous upwelling of some mix of compassion and pity and heart, and looking from face to face to face made it more exponentially powerful. That it lasted just a few seconds is the Lord's grace to me, as any more than that, I do not know how I could've coped. I believe that what I felt was a minuscule slice of the heart of God for His people.

I don't know what He wants me to do with that glimpse. Perhaps it was an answer to an already-uttered prayer. Perhaps it was a sign pointing to some direction that is yet unclear to me. And perhaps it was just a reminder to me that He's always there, that He cares for me and others more than anyone could know or bear, and that my responsiblity is to have that heart, to not lose sight of that heart, to cling to that heart.

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