
because I was with you

One of the most amazing people who knew the Lord was Elijah. You look at the miracles Moses did (plagues, Red Sea, manna from Heaven, et al) and you think no one else could bring about such wonders. And then here comes Elijah and you're reminded of the fact that it was never the prophet who had the power, but rather the God in whom he had placed his trust. And if you're called to be a prophet, you can bet that Lord won't forsake you, who called you.

In 2Kings2, Elijah goes up in fire and horses and wind and Elisha is left there with only a worn cloak as consolation. Fortunately, Elisha had wisely asked Elijah before he left for his spirit rather than riches or some other wasted gift. And upon the fiery departure of his mentor, Elisha walks back to a river in which his mentor had just recently performed a miracle. And right away, he decides to utilize his new-found power. But interestingly, as he repeats his mentor's miracle, there seems to be some small instance of doubt. Rather than a bold command for waters to part, Elisha asks aloud -- as if he's checking, just in case -- "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?" And God answers with a definitive miracle, as if He were replying to that question "with you, just as I was with Elijah".

Everyone at times finds themselves feeling distant from God. And they play this game of spiritual chicken where they maybe will start praying, mentally asking God to return. More often than not, they do nothing and wait for Him to show Himself strong before they recommit to Him. But 2Kings2 serves as a powerful reminder that if we are honest in seeking His spirit, and wishing to be obedient to His calling, that it requires us to step forward in faith -- even if it's a faith with a little bit of doubt in it -- and that we just need to ask where He is, and if we're honest and obedient and faithful, that answer will come back a resounding "Right here, with you, my child."

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