
who can listen to it

Been awhile since I read through Daniel carefully, which is amazing considering I hold Daniel up there with Joseph as models of faith with no reported flaws. And the story of him and the lions' den in Dan6 is so popular, it often escapes us that it is not just Daniel's faith that played a role in his salvation. In v16, we are told that King Darius delivers a prayer to the Lord as he casts Daniel into the den. "May your God whom you serve continually deliver you" is what he exclaims. Then in v18, we are told Darius spent the night fasting for Daniel. Daniel gets all the credit here, and certainly he must have prayed for his deliverance, but it is Darius who is the standout here, at least for me.

Interesting theological question I am too lazy to look into right now, but does God hear the prayers of people who don't believe in Him? On one hand, He must since everyone's very first prayer for salvation comes when we are still His enemies. We do not know Him when we ask for Him to enter our hearts and take up permanent residence, and He hears that prayer. On the other hand, prayer is this privilege and power we have as children of the living God. Those not in His family do not have the direct access that we enjoy as believers. And yet here in Dan6, Darius' prayer was answered (or maybe just Daniel's prayer that is left unwritten).

I'm not coming to a conclusion here. As I said, too lazy.

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