
they do not tremble

I woke up this morning, and it was shaking -- my heart, that is. Even a hypochondriac like me knows it isn't arrhythmia. That's why, maybe, it's in my head this morning -- a verse, and a great one at that:

sometimes it causes me to tremble

The song misled me for many years since the start of each verse and the title itself leads one to think only in the past tense; but the trembling, that's the present, the now. At least some times, just as it says.

That some time for me is today for some reason; been trembling all morning. If you've never experienced the trembles before -- well, I feel really badly for you. It's one thing to love, but something altogether different to love so much you get the jimmyheart.

I once had my heart drop at the sight of a woman in white -- a beauty so bright it snapped the girders that are meant to stabilize the shakes. That's what the trembles really are: snapping the stabilizers, something so bright it snaps the stabilizers. Most people experience the snapping and the trembling at various non-religious moments in their lives. But if you can't feel the snapping trembles with Him on a regular basis -- seriously, I feel really badly. For you.

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