
told you that I am

You might think it's just from this, but actually been in me for far longer. But in reading Matt21 and seeing the frenzied crowd surrounding His entry into Jerusalem, how could you not wish to be among them? To experience that excited energy, nervous energy, expectant energy. To be pressed by the surge to touch His hem, to lay your fronds, to see His face. To scream with the masses your praise, your worship. And to feel His gaze upon you.

But getting back to the intro, what is interesting about Matt21 are v10-11. As other onlookers rush to get a glimpse, and ask the throng who the energy is for, the answer to that question is all important.

Who is He?

He is all that you need and want. He is the One. He is. He is all this and more. And just like then, in the midst of the energy of Jerusalem, the answer to that question today in the midst of the energy of your world, the answer that proceeds from your very mouth makes or breaks your life.

Who is He?

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