
lawful for us to pay

Read this to better understand the subsequent rambling.

All of us, all people, will be confronted with attendance at events from which we wished we could bribe our way out. The biggest of these will occur before a throne, a throne upon which a presence sits whose majesty will buckle your knees. And no amount of money will pull you away from participation. And if you think the idea of sweating and working for a low grade drives you to offer a dollar for respite, my friend, the consequences of failing before the throne are far more dire.

The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. No amount of physical fitness will get you to pass the test of perfection required for eternity. But the thing is, you don't need to try to earn this grade. Because speaking of prices paid, the Lord Almighty paid everything associated with this one test for you at the cross of Calvary.

All it requires is your simple submission, your recognition that your whole net worth is not enough, is never enough to escape from that which you are bound for, and the recognition that Jesus, that Jesus the very Son of God, is the only one who is sufficient.

Will you make that choice today?

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