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Acts6:15 has a remarkable description of Stephen the martyr. Standing before the Council, his face was "like the face of an angel." In our limited scope, we relate it to bad pickup lines and maybe think of a handsome face. In our limited scope, we relate it to Hallmark drawings and maybe think of cherubs and a peaceful, innocent face.

But when you consider that the images of angels described in Ezek and Rev are, in fact, frightening and confusing and surreal, then what do you make of it? Did he look like a spinning wheel? Did he have multiple faces? Was his face, in fact, glowing?

I point this out only because what we know about angels is fairly limited, even though their presence in popular culture makes us think we know much of their existence and appearance. I take Acts6:15 for what I think it should be: the Council gazes upon Stephen and are shocked at what they see, and know that this man, there's something about him that could only have come by the power of God.

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