
will shine forth as the

My mind wandered a bit through Stephen's Congressional Committee-like answer to the Council, the description of all of history pointing to Christ. But one v did stick out -- Acts7:20: "and he was lovely in the sight of God."

To me, this sentence is the one I want spoken about me at the end of my being. Most would choose "good and faithful servant, with whom I am well-pleased", but for my money, Acts7:20 is far more personal. Moses was never described as handsome like Saul was, so the loveliness being spoken about here can't be merely the cuteness inherent in infants. This loveliness would have been God looking down at the floating child and -- in His eternal and nontemporal power -- seeing the faithfulness of Moses' life overlaid on his little features.

This is the loveliness that the Lord sees: the beauty of faith. And in my eulogy, in the grand statement to capture all things about my life, the grandest would have to be that when God peeked down to see my form and overlaid it with my faithsteps, with the entirety of my walk with Him, I was lovely, lovely in His sight.

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