
but afterward he regretted it and went

What a great phrase Paul coins in 2Cor7:11 -- Godly sorrow. The phrase and theme lend themselves to an easy sermon. 2Cor7 spells it out pretty clearly: sorrow that leads to repentance, which leads to salvation; it's having a heart that breaks for the things that break the heart of God. So a sermon on this phrase can easily be confined to just this chapter.

Extensions abound. Why not pull in the Lord weeping for Jerusalem. There's a Godly sorrow there over those that aren't leaning towards salvation. Why not pull in Ps51, the atoner's lament. There's the perfect dialogue of a broken heart over sin. Why not pull in even Judas's sorrow -- a sorrow not leading to repentance.

This thing's writing itself. Completion for another day. Patent pending.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

"This thing's writing itself." Its ALIVE!!!!