
they themselves were filled with rage

"Jesus On Anger" {Matt5:21-26}
* "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is perhaps the most fun."
* All deal w/ anger (in thought, word, & deed)
* In SotM, anger is first of six topics after Lord makes key point:
- All about heart; about spirit of law rather than letter
* Unresolved anger is sin (v21-22)
- All anger not sin (i.e. righteous)
- Murder not equal to anger
- Anger is temptation to sin -- unresolved, festering anger is escalation
- "Kept the rule, but overlooked the intention."
- {2Cor12:20, Eph4:26-27, Jam1:19-20}
* Reconciliation more important than worship! (v23-24)
* Reconciliation a matter of urgency (v25-26)
- So that our relationship w/ Lord can be made right ASAP
- To avoid Lord's corrective actions
* Practical Advice
- Anger an alarm
- Don't let anger escalate; self-control a Spirit fruit
- Put it away; automatic forgiveness for some issues
- If still bothering, seek reconciliation
- Take initiative; not about winning, but loving
* Forgiveness is for you

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