
that even the world itself would not contain

This is part one of a must-read series on worldliness. Part two can be found here. And when Part three gets posted, I'll be sure to mention that around these parts as well. Author of this piece is a BJU grad, so you know chances are he knows what the truth is.

From a BJU alum, this piece stands out even more. Would be quite easy for those sorts to be dogmatic about issues of association with the things of this world simply as a matter of course. But to question that automation and point out the error of their thinking? Brave stance, and a noble one.

I've argued before that issues like the evils of gambling or whether or not Jesus drank wine v grape juice were projections of our own creation versus actual Biblical accounting. Might as well throw in baptists' distaste for the hustle and the twist. Knee-jerk reactions to things we dislike shouldn't be placed upon the Savior for no reason. Look forward to where this series leads. Sure there's plenty of room for me to disagree, should it come to that.

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