
so that you may know and understand

No greater fear than fear of the unknown, as its said. Reason being, in my recent and not-so-recent experience is because liar is a wonderful liar. His best lies are half-truths steeped in the unknown. He takes what you do not know and expands that to show you all that you do not and cannot know. And for a perfectionist, for someone with OCD tendencies in all things, it creates a perfect storm. Need for completion? Check. Complete knowledge of all that is unknown? Check. Grand recipe for disastrous results? Done.

That is what trust in the Lord is all about. Not just trusting the Lord in the truth of His realness, His salvation, and His resurrection. Not just trusting Him for the fundamental truths. But also trusting Him in all the unknowns. That your need for completion rests and ends with Him. That you don't need to know so long as you know the One who does know.

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