
to be put on the list

Speaking to two brothers this morning, and the topic of worldiness arose. Briefly scribbled some thoughts on this topic a while ago, but worth revisiting.

I believe one of the root causes for the desire for separation from the world can be tied to the believer's unnecessary need for the Law. Freed from the Law under Christ even though He didn't come to dispel any serif, that I understand. The lazy believer, however, wants the Law. Easier to check items off the list: no drinking, no smoking, no dancing, no gambling, no R-rated movies, church every Sunday, et al. Easier to pretend all is right twixt you and the Lord; see, you have this checklist all marked off with your personal goodness.

Lord doesn't want a checklist. He wants a changed heart. He wants to see you struggling at every moment trying to discern His voice through the noise. He wants to see your heart not going over items, but rather listening to His Spirit. Separation from the world meant to fulfill some arbitrary notion of order and right and wrong doesn't prove a thing to anyone but yourself. And you shouldn't be seeking to prove anything to yourself, because you don't matter.


Anonymous said...

I would catagorize myself as a checklist person but I know I should have a changed heart. On somethings I do, but it's so hard not to follow my checklist. And even then I fail. I quit smoking for 4 years and caved to stress a couple years ago and here I am again knowing I need to quit but don't want to. What does that mean!! I think I'm falling away and I have no strength to care.

Wept_over said...

"Strength to care" should be separated from "will to do". Knowing the right thing to do means having the strength to care. The fact that you cannot do it does not mean you are falling away; just that you are human. Jesus says "for apart from Me, you can do nothing." You need His strength, not yours.