
to see you, even as I recall

Going to admit to something: since the day, have listened to my own message three or four times in its entirety. Did so on the flight home today for some reason. One could use this against me and say that its the height of arrogance, pride enjoying puffing itself up. And while I freely admit to falling prey easily to pride, I really don't see that as the culprit in this scenario.

I'm not even going to say it's because I like hearing the points themselves. Granted, I need the reminder, but that's not causing the rerun listening. The only thing I can think of as being behind this all is that every now and then, I am comforted by the reminder that on days I let myself fully be used by Him -- when I place myself aside completely and trust in His power -- great things can happen for Him. Liar tries to convince everyone of their uselessness. It has served me well to literally tell myself that, no, in fact, that is not the case when used by Him.

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