
and it is enough for us

Getz is the one who posits What is the measure of a man?. He answers that question via character traits as that is how he believes the Lord will answer that question. The question is a profound one, and one that reflection upon what one has, what one has accomplished, what one has not accomplished, what one is over the course of a life will cause the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

Word says that eternity is placed on the heart of all men. Don't know whether or not it also states that measuring oneself over a lifetime also resides there as well. But that's as true a statement as any in my mind. As provider, man can only wipe his brow and catch his breath and look back at the fullness of what was and wonder whether it was enough; wonder what he has to show for all the sweating and breath-losing. And apart from a Godly perspective, that will certainly never be enough. And even in a Godly perspective, the temptation to feel it lacking surely stands strong.

The sadness rests in measuring another man; wondering whether or not he is measuring the self in ways you expect he might. And you want to tell him that the scale he is using is all wrong. That the measurement is faulty. And that the final calculation will be far more wonderful than he can perhaps see on his own.

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