
is able to raise up children to

"What Kids Need from Caring Adults pt2"
* Intro: All have messed up. Goal of parenting not to be ideal, but to have ideals.
* Role Models
- #1 influence on kids is parent(s)
- You are always being watched
- Model integrity: Kids know we are not perfect; desire for us to admit as much
- Model growing faith
- Deut6:5-8: Pass on faith in action (hands); pass on knowledge of His ways and words (forehead)
* Encouragement
- "We live in a world where kids are force-fed a diet of discouragement."
- Encourage kids to be Christ-like {Titus2:11-15}
- Important to build them up {Rom14:19, 1Thess5:11}
- Catch your kids doing right
- Praise beyond performance: who they are, not what they have done
- Say it perpetually
* Discipline
- For guidance, not punishment {Heb12}
- Love must accompany discipline
- Be delicate -- spirits more fragile than body
- Be wise
* Strength to accomplish all these things is through Him alone

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