
though they bring up their children

"What Kids Need from Caring Adults"
* Intro: Culture negatively influences raising of children in this world -- how to go against that influence
* Begin w/ end in mind; define "good kid"
- Confidence: they "know who they are because they know whose they are"
- Character: have integrity and moral compass
- Conviction: beliefs rooted in Christ
- Compassion: heart for others; mercy
- Competence: know own gifts/skills; see selves as difference-makers
* Belief in value of being parent {Ps127:3,5a}
- Children are gifts
* Presence (time)
- Not quantity over quality but vv
- Guilt deserved if putting own priorities over those of little ones
- Personal sacrifice
- Career sacrifice
- Ditch cellphones when w/ kids
- Focus, face them, & give feedback
* Memories
- Create traditions -- "add to flavor of memories"
- Capture memories
- Prioritize vacations
- Create adventures (i.e. missions trip as family)

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