
shall I not drink it

Rev16:19 makes a mention of "the cup of the wine of His fierce wrath". It is interesting to me to think that anger can be measured discretely and even portioned out in a tangible object like a chalice. I can certainly imagine anger being measured comparatively. For instance, it is two different quantities of anger between getting annoyed because of the slow people in line in front of you at the checkout counter, and the anger that drives a soul to carry out a Columbine or a 9/11. But I find it hard to imagine that that anger when solidified could fit into a container of some sort.

The way I can work it out in my mind is to imagine the depth of anger not in size but in potency. A goblet of grain alcohol is far different in potency than a goblet of water. Thus, a wine cup of my anger over the long delay between new episodes of Lost and Heroes can not begin to compare to the potency of that cup of the Lord's anger over sin. There's a connection here that one can make about bitterness (of actual taste) and a cup of anger, but I'll leave that to you.

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