
when you were younger, you

"The Courage of Joseph" {Matt1:18-25}
* Intro:
- Easy to miss this hero of faith
- Plays a secondary role in manger story
- After temple incident when Christ 12, disappears in print
- Joseph's courage critical to life of Jesus
* Joseph a man of moral courage
- Was an ordinary man used by God to do extraordinary things {1Cor1:26-31}
- Christianity is a faith of ordinary people
* Joseph lived a morally upright life
- Not perfect, but "courageous enough to stand up to corrupt culture & inherent sin"
* Joseph a man of manly courage
- Restrained anger & chose to treat Mary w/ love
- Godly character compelled him to love
- Love covers multitude of sin {1Pet4:8}; empowered by Spirit
- Joseph full of grace in situation many would have considered him w/o blame in divorcing Mary; pursued righteousness rather than societal approval
* Joseph obeyed God
- Took Mary as bride
- Took on shame of Mary
- Accepted responsibility to provide for and raise a child not his own
* Joseph courageously protected Jesus whenever life in danger {Matt2:13-21}
* Application
- Courage cultivated in daily walk
- Courage strengthened through daily trusting of Him
- Courage convinced that Lord stronger than any threat

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