
but to save the world

Unless you are a golf fan, you probably missed this story.

Friend, if you don't know Christ, you are this Tom Johnson after making a mistake. You did your best to recover, and it won't be enough. Relying on others? Won't work. Your best? Not enough. The penalty you are faced with for your sins, though, can't be measured in small additions to a scorecard. That penalty is eternal darkness apart from God.

But sacrifice can save you. And that sacrifice won't be earned or deserved. And that sacrifice will cost another person a penalty. And that other person? That other person will gladly bear that penalty. That other person? That other person would gladly bear it a hundred more times just for you.

That other person is Jesus Christ.

And He doesn't even desire your thanks. He desires for you to come with Him for eternity, to join Him in a friendship beyond anything else you know. That penalty is taken care of. Your eternal destiny can be taken care of, too, if you place your faith in Christ. That choice is more difficult than a club choice, yes. And that choice will require far more obedience than a simple game of leisure. But what you get in return is eternal. Will you make that choice today?

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