
O Lord God of hosts, who is like You

"How to Understand God"
* Intro:
- Knowing about Him good step in knowing Him
- Misunderstandings can ruin relationships
- "Almost all, if not all, theological heresies and wrong practices are based in some way upon an imbalance in understanding between the transcendence and immanence of God." -- Dr. Jack Willsey
* We must understand God's transcendence {Isa6:1-5; Isa55:8-9; Ps113:5-6; John8:23}
- God is separate from & independent of nature & humanity; He is wholly other
- Reverence, awe, & wonder appropriate in our relationship w/ Him
- We can expect His transcendent works in our lives (miracles)
* We must understand God's immanence {Jer23:24; Hag2:5; Matt6:26-30; Acts17:28}
- God is present & active within all nature, human relationships, & history
- God's Providence
- God's Divine Plan
* We must have balance
* Consequences of losing transcendence
- Easy to treat Him like other people
- Humanism & relativism
- "How am I enjoying worship" vs "How is He enjoying my worship"
* Consequences of losing immanence
- Easy to feel distant from Him
- Deism & Open Theism
- God as giant policeman or parent
* More good stuff
* Application: Greatest display of His transcendence & immanence? Jesus Christ {Heb1:3}

1 comment:

Kevin said...

It was interesting to hear from so many people who assumed I was already a member. Oh and when do I get to learn the secret hand shake?