
is easy and my burden is light

Shouldn't trouble me that my troubles are less than troubles compared to those of others, should it? Certainly I have had my share of major troubles. Frankly, you could qualify 67% of my years as falling under the major category, with a 2-3 year period qualifying with distinction. If they awarded some sort of negative medal system, I'd be getting pinned.

Why then feel any guilt over relative lack? Shouldn't feel the need to come over the top. Shouldn't even feel the need to keep up. The natural reaction should be, PTL another great week. Probably linked to more recent obedience and listening. Recognition that coming down the pipe is probably a few curves that will even things up relatively, no doubt. But for now, no guilt. Simply the nodded acknowledgment that right now, yeah, these may not seem like much, and I'm glad for it.

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