
listen; why do you want to

I've opined on the subject of service as it relates to calling before (the rest of the thought here: Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Last Pt). Yesterday, asked a brother what his motivation was for service. The reply was "convenience" -- he was around and free, so why not?

In some circles that might pass for an adequate answer. Especially in those circles that consist of folks gifted with Helps. And to those, serving for the sake of serving is sound theology, and a perspective that honors God, the Servant King.

Hard to argue with that. But in teaching on 1Cor11, and finding that that much abused chapter has nothing to do with oppression and Communion as much as it does worship, and I find myself drawn to a different point of view. If Lord cares not a whit about action, and only about intention of the heart -- same reason only faith and not works gets you a ticket to eternity, by the way -- I think service without the calling reaps not what you think it might. Serve if called to serve and if desirous of obedience. But serving because you can? Gut tells me that energy burned could have been used more valuably another place.

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