
and His disciples asked Him

Faith for me has always been an individual experience. Much of that due to being called alone when younger, without a family to share a faith with. Then developing that lone faith through Cath services rather than Prot ones, the only social part being a sharing of the peace. Understand the Lord encourages a brotherhood to exist among believers, a body greater than one. Simply sharing my initial experience, as I've certainly grown toward a faith that recognizes power in numbers.

Never made more aware of that power and those bonds than today. Shared a request with the body, and then flooded all day with notes expressing lifted prayers in a united effort. And there is something so touching to imagine believers around the country assisting me in asking for the Lord's grace.

Heard it taught that prayer changes you not Lord. In this particular case, prayer apparently can change more than just you; others' prayer changed me. Clear example of love being expressed by hands and knees and closed eyes.

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