
would not shine for

Two friends over dinner discussed a story, and both tripped over each other's words, as if the need to speak could no longer be pent up. I understand what that's like. And yet heading back to my room after dinner, I couldn't help but be shamed that the Good News of God rarely seems fit to bursting. It's certainly not for lack of internal joy. And when given the opportunity to do so, willingly do so. Part of me believes that moments to share aren't created by us. Given 100 instances created by us and not Spirit, we will go 0fer. Given 100 instances created by Him and obediently followed by us, and that average will soar.

But part of me wonders why I'm not fit to bursting. Lepers leap for joy, and demons disobey in the Word. Plenty of examples of those fit to bursting. All should ponder gifting and calling and arranged moments, sure. But all should also ponder whether or not that fire has been extinguished, and if that has anything to do with a reluctance to burst.

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