
because He has fixed

"How God Heals Your Hidden Wounds"
* Intro
- Not all have had severe physical wounds, but almost all have suffered inner wounds
- Deepest cuts from those we love
- Jehovah Rophe -- the God who heals
* Six Steps in God's Healing Process
* Reveal hurts {Jam5:16}
- "Pain left to itself usually festers"
- Society answers pain w/ escapes (food, alcohol, sex) -- won't heal
- Be honest w/ God, self, others
* Release those who have hurt you {Rom12:17,19}
* Replace old lies w/ God's truths {Rom12:2}
- Reminder: Satan = Accuser
* Refocus on future {Phil3:13-14}
- "Don't make the mistake of letting yesterday use too much of today."
- Regression therapy from liar -- digs up past rather than deal w/ future
* Receive support from small groups {Eccl4:10,12}
* Reach out to help others {2Cor1:4}

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