
believe that you are

"Faith: What's it Look Like?" {Heb11:4-7}
* Abel
- Faith worships according to God's Word (v4)
- Worship: to ascribe worth/value
- God not here for you; you here for God
- Even when it costs me {1Chron4:23-24}
- Even when it inconveniences me
- Casual indifference to God's presence
* Enoch
- Faith walks according to God's way (v5-6)
- Lived during one of darkest periods and remained faithful -- closely and continually w/ God
- Until the Rapture {1Thess4:18}
- Until the reward
* Noah
- Faith works according to God's will (v7)
- Not just believing in God, but believing God
- "Every tree he felled shouted faith"
- Do your works express faith?

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