
created to be gratefully shared

Reflecting on my post from yesterday with a brother this am. His response was one filled with wisdom, and illustrated areas I can continue to grow in. He pointed out that events in my life are not arbitrary ones, not without prior efforts. Hard work in school can translate to a better career or more financial stability. Careful choices around spouses results in a happier marriage. Obedience in following God, spending time in the Word, spending time in prayer -- all these things contribute to healthier families and closer relationships and more fruitful ministry opportunities. He reminded me that current blessings can be tied back to faithful obedience. It is not an arbitrary God we serve.

Secondly, he remarked that feeling guilty is a hindrance to what your true spirit needs to be reflecting -- a continuous spirit of thankfulness. Whether or not things are going your way, whether or not you are in the midst of joy or trial, whether or not blessings or tests are consuming your life, your response to God should be one of thankfulness. Whenever you meditate on where your life is your upward-pointed face should be mouthing words of thanks to a God who is in control and who is full of grace and love and who is interested only in what's best for you.

"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well." {Ps139:14}

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