
is shamed when he is discovered

American culture has created a deep-seated sense of entitlement in its citizens. Perhaps it gets its start in the whole "pursuit of happiness" from the DofI. People feel like they deserve many things, and anger towards God develops when these things are not easily in their reach.

It could be that perfect job. It could be that perfect mate. It could be children. It could be a stop to that pain. It could be a more prosperous living. It could be an end to that fount of tears. In all of these things, and in many others, that desire for happiness feels like a God-given right.

Why then when given all these things, why then when I have so much, why then when I am the envy of others, why then does having received these "entitlements" bring me no joy? Indeed, why then that sense of guilt?

Perhaps I was absent the day they programmed in that pursuit of happiness. Or perhaps that switch was knocked off by the realization of the depth of the horror of the blackness that is my true soul only recently cleansed by the grace of God.

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