I'm secretly hoping members of my home church either read this post or read the original post I'm linking to. You need to read
this post and check out the list of "innovations" for the American church. What's striking here is not its ironic let's-be-innovative-by-being-old-school sensibility. What's striking to me as an evangelical who
very much treasures his Catholic roots are the high church traditions being advocated. How many on that list bring to mind the vaulted ceilings and incense-laden atmosphere of being in a cathedral?
Sing hymns? Check. More frequent Communion? Check. Scripture reading? Check. Apostles' and Nicene creed? Check and check. A focus on sin? Absolutely.
Throw in reverent kneeling during the service and robed pastors, and I'm ready to bring along my Pope-blessed rosary.
Said the Protestant elder.
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