I want to make fun of
this movie, I really do. Not because I'm evil or have a black heart. But because the cynic in me (maybe I
do have a black heart) looks at this blend of marketing and religion and patriotism and Hallmark emotion and cringes. But then I watch the released clips and the trailer and then I see those intersecting beams of steel
in that shape I love to the depths of my being and I can feel my heart stick in my throat and I see through the cynicism.
There is something beautiful in the symbolism -- an image of hope in a backdrop of tragedy. And you recognize the perfect portrait of Calvary for what it is -- hope amidst disaster. And even if the movie ends up as cheesy melodrama, you can't make fun of the creators for trying. You see light in the darkness and not only do you want to run to it, you want to capture it for
all to see forever and ever and ever.
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