
only to steal and kill and destroy

A new baby is supposed to change your perspective on things -- give you more heart -- so maybe the rant to come is out of place with this belief. But the new sweet thing has affirmed my desire to protect her innocent eyes from evil. And make no mistake: The Golden Compass is evil. I'd link to it, but I'd sooner watch the thing than send it any meager amount of traffic.

You can go to Beliefnet to see umpteen different commentaries and editorials on whether or not the movie preaches evil. You needn't waste your time listening to others convince you of fact or lie. The fact is that the author is on track to spend eternity in a lake of consuming fire. How his evil drips from the silver screen may or may not lead others to follow, doesn't matter. Throwing cash at him as he descends into blackness won't cheer him up much, methinks.

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