1. Not one sermon, not one service, not one ministry exists that doesn't as a matter of course celebrate the gospel: you're broken; but God loves you; Christ Jesus died for your brokenness; now unbroken, you are free to commune with Him.
2. Bibles: KJV or NASB. Not open for debate.
3. # of ministries: men's, women's, youth, church-related (worship & arts, drama, etc.), the needy, the unsaved/missions. Just six.
4. In order of importance, just because you asked: the unsaved/missions, the needy, men's, women's, youth, church-related.
5. The precious table of the Lord? You better believe it's every week.
6. The cross of Christ everywhere you look.
7. Evening confessionals every day of the week; we confront sin, not ignore it.
8. No set time for services; the Spirit leads. We don't feel like stopping that musical worship at the end of first service? We won't just because second service needs set up time. They'll understand they have to wait.
9. No building campaigns. If we can dream it, it's likely someone in the flock can draw it. And very likely some in the flock can build it.
10. Coffee, bagels, & prayer -- every morning.
Oh crap....now I have to follow up and post mine....it will take some time.
Although: #2 Brother you have to take a look at the ESV (Im sure you already have). It isn't much different than the NASB.
But I wouldn't be caught dead using the KJV.
Amended #2: I'd accept ESV as well.
Added #11: If you wouldn't be caught dead using the KJV, you must wear a dunce cap during services.
Having worked with youth and kids my entire adult life, a dunce cap is nothing new.
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