"The Exaltation of the King" {John12}
* John showcases different aspects of Christ
- John11 has Christ as authority over life/death
- John13 has Christ as loving teacher
- John19 has Christ as suffering servant
- John20 has Christ as risen Savior
- John12 has Christ as exalted King
* Different reaction of folks to King
- Laz is friend of the King
- Mary is overwhelmed by gratitude
- Judas employee of King who misses the reality of who the King is
- Some of the multitude curious bystanders
- Chief priests plotted against King
- Great multitude exalts King
- Greeks (gentiles) wish to belong in the kingdom
- God the Father glorifies the King
- Some of the multitude hardened against belief in the King
* Application: what is your take on the King?
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