
deliberating together about this

The creators of a good movie put another movie into the theaters this weekend, and lo and behold, they placed fourth on the weekend box office list. Probably the biggest surprise since when the Passion cleaned up a few years ago. To put this into perspective, the new Batman flick would have to make 2.5 BILLION dollars to show the same kind of profit level compared to film production costs. Apparently church groups around the country are organizing trips to fill theaters, much like they did for Passion.

So riddle me this, Christian, you'll go en masse to see a movie, but you can't agree on whether or not dancing is a sin? You can all hop on a bus to the local drive-in, but you won't send out large teams to do missions work overseas? You can agree on what to do on a Saturday night as a church group, but a commitment to small groups? No, that's out of the picture.

Nice work, brethren. So glad you're okay with filling the coffers of gigantic corporate theater chains in a spirit of unity, but everything else related to unity is beyond your reach. Maybe they should rewrite the lyrics to that song. And they'll know we are Christians by our ticket stubs...


Kevin said...

Facing the Giants was a horrible movie. Im surprised that you would say otherwise. The acting made most afternoon soap operas look amazing.

Wept_over said...

I didn't say it was a GREAT movie. I said it was good. And I agree. Some of the acting in the movie was terrible. But not all of it. But it's worth it just for the death crawl scene.