
has not the Scripture said

"The Bible: God-breathed"
* Doctrine = "The teaching/instruction" {Titus2:1}
* Why study doctrine?
- To be more mature {Col2:6-7; Heb6:1}
- To not be led astray {Eph4:13-14}
- To have better judgment {Heb5:11-14}
* What is revelation?
- Disclosure of God's self & message to mankind
- General revelation {Ps19; Rom1:19-21}
- Special revelation {2Tim3:16; Heb1:1-2}
- Living Word = Christ; Written Word = Bible
- Sufficiency of Scripture -- everything we need to know, believe, & live as believers in Word
- Don't add to Scripture
- Nothing is sin unless explicit or implied in Word
* Plenary = "all of them"
* Proofs of Inspiration
- 1Tim3:16
- 2Pet1:21
- Commands to write down His Word {Ex17:14}
- Use of quotation {Matt15:4}
- Jesus' use of Scripture {Matt5:17-18; John10:35}
- NT assertions {1Tim5:18; 2Pet3:16}
- Writers' claims {1Cor2:13; 1Pet1:11-12}
- Historical manuscript sources
- Fulfilled prophecy

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