
just as ugly as before

Enjoyed an amazing night with the wondrous one and friends tonight watching an amazing performance. Won't spoil the whole plot for you, but one scene caught my attention. The disfigured face of the phantom is seen by the lady he loves, who is obviously repulsed. He is angry that she saw him -- not angry at her, but angry at the situation because he knew his form would make it difficult for her to love him in return. He sings, "Fear can turn to love -- you'll learn to see, to find the man behind the monster: this repulsive carcass, who seems a beast, but secretly dreams of beauty."

Loving someone despite their hideousness is the heart of the Gospel, no? Rom5:8 tells us that the definition of love is that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Unlike the lady protagonist, Christ can see past our ugliness, can see that we're made in the image of His Father, and then die for that beauty wrapped up in wretchedness. No unrequited love here; just an eternal one.

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