
is offering service to God

"Glorifying God in Ministry"
* Ministry: Using whatever God has given me to serve Him & needs of others.
- Unbelievers {Matt5:14}
- Believers {Heb6:10}
* God-glorifying ministry is done in community
- "Ministry w/o relationship is just religious duty"
- Trinity = tri-unity -- perfect model of community {Gen1:26}
- Unified in purpose, Truth, ministry responsibility, love
* God-glorifying ministry reaches out to world
- How: World has endless need; fill whatever need it has
- With what: gospel of good news of Jesus Christ
* God-glorifying ministry builds up the church
- Church important to God {Eph5:23}
- Spiritual gifts exist for purpose of building body {Eph4:11-12,16}
- 20-80 principle -- what could we accomplish with better proportion?

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