
have stood by Me in My trials

"Worshiping God in the Hard Times"
* Babylonian Captivity
- Most people of conquered nations become slaves
- How would you react if you were an Israelite taken captive by Babylonians? Mad at God? Could you worship?
- Ps137 written in this context -- v4 How can we sing?
* Before Babylonian Captivity
- Wicked trampling righteous in Israel; corruption everywhere
- Habakkuk prayed for God to right wrongs
- Answer to prayer? Promised Babylonian captivity
- Hab's response? Hab3:17-18 -- worship
* A worshipful attitude might not change situation, but will change hearts, which changes everything
- We always have choice during trial to either pull away from God or propel selves toward God
* Recognize God & His grace are source of all we do
- Jesus can redeem failures
- No place in Scripture does God promise not to give us more than we can bear; He routinely gives us more than we can bear so we rely on Him
* Recognize difficulties are normal part of life
- Fanny Crosby
* Understand true Biblical joy
- Rejoice verb form of joy
- Jam1:2 -- pure joy when facing trial
- Joy not same as happiness
- Joy a gift from God {Rom14:17}
- "Nothing can take away your joy without your permission"
* Keep your eyes on the goal
- 1Cor15:19; Phil3:20; Col3:20

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