
to begin with the family of God

"The Doctrine of the Church"
* Intro: Acts1 (150 people); Acts3 (3000); Acts5 (5000)
* Why the church?
- Already here; already connected
- Too much misinformation
- Jesus loves the church {Eph5:25,29, Matt18}
* Nature of the church
- "The community of all true believers for all time"
- Invisible church: Way God sees it; sees the hearts
- Visible church: Hands & feet of God (from small group to megachurch) {Acts9:31, Rom16:5, 1Cor1:12}
* Function of the church
- Body of Christ {Eph1:22-23, 1Cor12:27, 1Cor12:12, Rom16:17-18}: Preserve & fight for unity
- Building of God {1Pet2:5, Eph2:20}: Dwelling place of HS; preserve purity & holiness
- Bride of Christ {Eph5:25-27, 31-32}: Designed for oneness w/ Christ
* Purpose of the church
- Vessel by which God spreads His gospel {Rom1:16, 1Cor15:1-4, Eph1:13}
- Make the gospel central to our lives
* Application
- Stay connected
- Join small group
- Stop "dating" the church: bloom where you're planted
- Parents: lead your kids by example
- Kids: submit to parents as they lead
- Seek to preserve unity
- Use your gifts

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