
was worth a year's wages

I never watch the show Survivor, mainly because I hate people as a general rule, and hate listening to people speak. And reality shows exist by filming real people speaking. Except that the people who get chosen for these shows are in the top percentile of most annoying people to ever open their godforsaken mouths, oh why won't somebody kill them already so they never speak again?

Anyway, I was playing games on my iPod Touch while it was on for the wondrous one, and my ears perked up at the end when one of the finalists had to choose which of the other two annoying people he wanted with him in the head-to-head vote for a million dollars. And his choice was between an annoying waif who would be easy to defeat in a vote, or the annoying person whom he had promised to take with him to the end. Basically, he had to choose between an easy million-dollar win, or his integrity. I would've bet my house that he was going to sell out his integrity for a million dollars. Moment of truth: I'm pretty sure I would've sold my integrity for a million dollars. Lo and behold, he proved me wrong. Turns out that there are good people in this world, and sometimes they make good decisions in the face of potential criticism. And he won the million dollars. (Should I have said spoiler alert first?)

Happy ending for everyone except me. The happy ending for me would've been the studio exploding, and the world being nine annoying people smaller in number. Here's hoping for a happy ending next season.

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